
A poor mans version of beyondcorp, an identity-aware proxy (IAP) that can authenticate and authorize users with third party authenticators (currently only google is supported.

Find it on github: tobab


When I switched from running stuff in my kubernetes cluster to running stuff in Google App Engine, I decided that beyondauth was now deprecated.
However, after the initial honeymoon period with GAE, some projects became too expensive to run and I started hosting them on my own devices again.

After a while it started bothering me again that all the self-hosted projects either had no auth (prometheus) or their own auth solution (booksing, gdo, pturn). So I set out to replicate my earlier setup but then a bit simpler. BeyondAuth was pretty good, but it also needed traefik, and both of these were more tedious to maintain and configure then I would like.

So I set out to build my own solution, and Tobab is the result.


  • http proxy
  • sign in with google (for now, more identity providers could easily be supported)
  • letsencrypt integration (non-optional, http->https redirect is mandatory)
  • glob matching based authorization
  • routes can be added through the API or the CLI
  • stateless, secure tokens with paseto


Building this I truly started to appreciate the meaning of standing on the shoulders of giants, the Go libraries I’ve used are extensive and made this application a lot easier to create.


  • golang
  • letsencrypt
  • paseto
  • openid connect