
A web UI built with vue and buefy, with an index stored in firebase for searching and downloading epubs.


An acquaintance told me he had a big collection of ebooks and that the windows file explorer wasn’t sufficient for handling the collection.
It also contained a lot of duplicate books with slightly different file names and titles.
So I started browsing github and found this project: BookBrowser which is a webUI for managing epubs.
And it did the job quite okay, but startup was slow and searching was exact and not fuzzy, so I started making some “improvements” to my fork:

  • web UI based on bulma with vue
  • deduplication based on normalized author / title
  • client side parser
  • storage in S3 (selfhosted with minio)
  • firestore as scalable database (used to be mongodb, and a completely self-hostable version version with stormDB is on my wishlist)
  • store the author / title as metaphone keys so searches don’t have to be exact
  • added authentication with firebase auth (google)


  • go lang
  • google app engine
  • vue
  • bulma css
  • buefy
  • firebase authentication
  • firestore