Non-destructive smartening of a thermostat
Learning Elixir
Learning new things can be challenging
Kubernetes Complexity
Is Kubernetes more complex than the old way?
The Art of Chindogu - links
garage door opener (GDO V3)
raspberry pi zero + garage remote + time = web ui to open a garage door
why gnur?
Biggest Productivity Boost 2022
hyperlinks in the terminal are awesome
Cli Revolution 2022
It’s 2022, the year I turn 33, just like the Bash shell. Something that might feel a lot younger, zsh, was actually released in 1990, only a year younger than bash. Fish had its first relase in 2005, 17 years ago.
Even though these shells are old enough to have teenage children, they are still very relevant and are still used by a lot of dev/ops/sre every single day.
But the last few years there has been a silent revolution in the toolkit of these CLI warriors.
Booksing V8
tl;dr A web UI built with vue and buefy, with an index stored in firebase for searching and downloading ebooks.
A web UI built for searching and downloading epubs, without any external dependencies.
history As you can see in a old post (booksing), the previous iteration of Booksing was built with quite some external dependencies. It worked really well if you hosted in on Google App Engine, but the setup was quite involved.
Another poor mans identity-aware proxy